Derbigum – The only bituminous roofing membrane with a 40-year BBA durability statement
Posted by david.luukas
Alumasc’s Derbigum waterproofing membrane is the only high-performance bituminous roofing membrane with a 40-year durability statement from the BBA (British Board of Agrément).

Agrement Certificate 86/1593
Whilst competitors’ durability statements are typically for 20 or 25 years, Alumasc’s Derbigum stands out for its proven reliability with a 40-year BBA durability statement, which gives specifiers and end-users added confidence as to the product’s in-service longevity.
With a proven track record of success, Alumasc’s Derbigum systems have held a BBA certificate since 1980 and offer a variety of environmentally-beneficial, sustainable characteristics: including membranes with high levels of recycled content; innovative CO2-neutralising membranes; energy efficient ‘cool’ roofs; and vegetal, non-bituminous solutions.
The original and best APP (Atactic Polypropylene) modified product on the market, more than 20 million square metres of Alumasc’s Derbigum have been installed upon a wide variety of buildings in the UK, including the Shard and Canary Wharf in London.