Blackdown Green Roofs: Design, Supply & Install
Posted by david.luukas

Blackdown Green Roofs from Alumasc have been available in the UK since 1999 from wholly owned nurseries in the Blackdown Hills, Somerset – a designated an area of outstanding natural beauty.
The Blackdown Green Roofing offer combines the design, supply, installation and maintenance of roof planting systems along with Blackdown’s horticultural expertise. Tailored Green Roof solutions are available that:
1) Suit the project’s climate and micro-climate.
2) Deliver the objectives sought from the green roof.

Blackdown offers a single source green roof solution, comprising of 5 parts to deliver cost-efficient, high quality green roofs:
We advise in the selection of the most appropriate green roof.
An extensive range of Blackdown Green Roof systems is available.
Affordable maintenance for long-term plant wellbeing is recommended.
Plants are cultivated in and tailored to suit, the UK’s climate.
A proven track record of installing quality green roofs.
What makes Blackdown Green Roofs Different?
Blackdown Green Roofs were born out of a true passion for plants. With expertise in horticulture and plant development, there has been continual research into important areas such as plant density, species co-habitation, flowering times, substrate types/depths, water consumption etc. This has established a diverse range of green roof configurations.
With a range of suitable hardy succulents, native and non-native plants commonly in cultivation, and the ability to contract grow additional species, advice is available on the most appropriate planting strategy for the project – tailoring the green roof to suit the brief, not compromising the brief to suit a limited range of green roof plant options.

Experienced Contracts teams oversee each project, delivering a high quality installation in compliance with the project programme and on budget through identification of the optimum installation method.
Tailored maintenance programmes are compiled to ensure the long-term success of green roof installations – showing the same care for our plants on the roof as we do during cultivation.
If you want further information regarding Green Roofs click here.
If you wish to speak to someone about your requirements click here.
To view our Green Roof Project Gallery click here.