School of Law at Queen’s University benefits from Alumasc Roofing Warm Roof System
Posted by david.luukas
The prestigious new home for the School of Law and a new social hub is a key element in the major investment of £350m in world-class facilities for staff and students planned over the next decade at Queen’s University, Belfast. This facility provides several innovative teaching spaces central to which will be the Moot Court Room interactive teaching space.

Todd Architects specified a warm roof system of Torchtite Vapour Barrier, Alumasc Tapered Insulation and Mastergold Underlay topped with a Mastergold Mineral Cap Sheet – a full Euroroof warm roof system.
This roofing system utilised a tapered insulation scheme to help achieve sufficient falls to help provide a longer roof life for the building’s roof areas. With the existing deck being completely flat sufficient falls needed to be achieved to avoid any standing/ponding water which can form algae and moss over the years and shorten the membrane’s performance and life span.
The tapered insulation provided sufficient falls for the roof and met the required U-Values to help towards the building’s overall thermal performance.

All roofing work(s) were expertly carried out by Alumasc Registered Contractors Crown Roofing and within schedule.
For further information regarding Alumasc Roofing Systems click here. Alternatively, to speak to our technical team call 03335 771 500.