
Intensive Green Roof Key Features

Posted by david.luukas

Intensive green roof systems are becoming more and more common in highly populated city centres, driven by sustainability and water attenuation requirements, along with the need to create usable space.

Intensive Green Roof SystemsIntensive Green Roof Systems range from providing outdoor roof space at restaurants and office blocks, to creating ground-level landscaping above subterranean car parks at shopping centres or residential developments.


Can include lawns, shrubs, edible plants, perennials and grasses, small deciduous trees and conifers. Planting type and size determines the required irrigation system and soil depth.

Key Features


A Blackdown intensive green roof substrate is required which contains a high level of organic matter in order to support a wide variety of plants and trees.


Root-resistant waterproofing options include Hydrotech hot-melt structural waterproofing and suitable bituminous membranes from the Derbigum and Euroroof ranges.


Warranties are available for the Alumasc waterproofing system used in the greenroof build-up.


Click here to find out more about Alumasc Roofing System’s Green Roofs.

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