
Alumasc’s New Euroroof Brochure Now Available

Posted by david.luukas

Alumasc's Euroroof brochureAlumasc’s new Euroroof brochure is now available to download. The publication provides a concise summary of the highly regarded Euroroof bituminous membrane systems on offer.

The Euroroof range is designed to transform the process of working with traditional bituminous membrane systems, speeding up installation time without compromising the long term performance of the waterproofing solution.

Euroroof’s speed of installation and flexibility of application is ideally suited to the refurbishment of existing roofs, whether to re-establish the integrity of the waterproofing, upgrade thermal performance or to improve roof drainage. Equally, time and cost efficiencies can be applied to new-build projects.

A summary of the Euroroof range is as follows:

Euroroof Mono – a single layer, flame-free waterproofing solution for both new construction and refurbishment projects.

Euroroof Mastergold – transforms working with traditional bituminous membranes, speeding up installation time without compromising long-term performance.

Euroroof Rapid – a single layer overlay is torch-applied to quickly re-establish the long-term waterproofing integrity of roofs in need of refurbishment due to failing roof membranes.

Download the new Euroroof Membranes brochure here

For more information on Euroroof Membranes, click here: Euroroof Mono | Euroroof Mastergold | Euroroof Rapid

For more information on the full range of Alumasc Waterproofing systems click here

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