
Alumasc Appointed as LHC’s highest ranking Flat Roofing Supplier within their FR2 Public Sector Procurement Framework

Posted by david.luukas

LHC is a leading provider of free-to-use framework agreements used by local authorities, social landlords and other public sector bodies to procure works, products and services for the construction, refurbishment and maintenance of social housing and public buildings.

LHC Flat Roofing Government FrameworkDuring the application process 16 flat roof suppliers expressed an interest in becoming an appointed supplier to the LHC. Following the selection process, 5 suppliers were appointed to the framework with Alumasc scoring highest amongst them. Key areas that the LHC were looking for was quality of product, costs effectiveness, reliability, along with evidence of social responsibility, sustainability, compliance with legislation, quality management, equal opportunities and diversity, health and safety and financial stability. Alumasc also had to back this up with case studies covering all geographical regions.

Why should Public Sector Organisations use the LHC Procurement Framework?

During the public sector product selection process, public sector organisations must utilise systems and products that are fully compliant with current Government specifications. When selecting these products for their project it can be a long and time-consuming process for all involved, it would include deep research into products, whether they meet all the compulsory standards and at the same time ensuring a high-quality product that is within their budget is utilised with the highest standards of aftercare and warranties.

Following meticulous review by the LHC, Alumasc ranked as the top manufacturer for price, quality and value for money for Local Authorities, social landlords and other public sector organisations throughout England and Scotland (SPA) and top supplier for price and value for money for Wales (WPA). The use of the framework also provides the client with a highly competitive rate from the supplier. The use of this framework provides key decision makers within the Local Authority during the specification process with a quick way of sourcing a cost-effective, fully compliant flat roof supplier. Only the use of LHC approved suppliers will give public sector bodies this luxury. Annual project rebates are also available to those public sector bodies that register with the LHC as a member.

Richard Wilby, LHC Technical Manager said:

“Congratulations to Alumasc on being the top-ranked flat roofing supplier for England, Wales and Scotland through a rigorous framework tender exercise. The weighting of LHC’s Flat Roofing Framework (FR2) encompassed a tough ‘Quality’ criteria, including an emphasis on ‘Social Standing’ and ‘Price’, to which Alumasc completed a very competitive and well thought out tender return. The LHC FR2 framework will run from May 2017, through to April 2021 and LHC is left in no doubt that the framework is serviced by the best companies for supply and install throughout the country”.

Mark Golder (right) accepting LHC procurement accreditation certificate from LHC’s Nigel Williams at Alumasc’s Contractor Day

Below Outlines the framework in action:

As well as providing compliance, quality and best value to Alumasc clients, this Framework for Flat Roofing (FR2) supports a streamlined process from the award of a contract (call-off) to completion of a project.

Competitive market prices

Prices in place at call-off stage maintain best value as established in the evaluation stage.

Quick and efficient procurement

Speedy access to Alumasc Roofing Systems and the options of a mini-competition or direct award.

Instant access to project data

Continuous access to information throughout the procurement process through the suppliers’ online portal.

Delivery periods guarantee

Guaranteed delivery periods that ensure services and works are delivered to meet work schedules.

Advice on design and regulatory compliance

Guidance on interpretation and conformity to all statutory regulations and planning requirements.

Service levels guarantee

Guaranteed service levels from inquiry to supply, providing peace of mind that services and works will be conducted effectively.

High-quality standards

Standards of quality maintained throughout projects through monitoring in accordance with the ISO 9001 Quality Management System.

Quick project starts

Enabled by pre-tendered procurement that reduces the cost and time input by publicly funded organisations.

If you would like any further information in regards to how you can benefit from the LHC Framework contact Alumasc Roofing Systems quoting ‘LHC Framework’ on (0)1744 648 400 or email

free flat roofing product brochure and catalogue and samples

Filed under:
Blue Roofs,
Budget Management,
Government Frameworks,
Local Authority,
New Build,
Roofing Industry Information,
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